Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A Farewell to Food

I think I need to do a quick post here to explain the absence of any new recipes to anyone who reads my blog.  A few weeks ago in church I started to feel that particular nausea that can only mean one thing: Yep, baby number three is on the way.  I have been so sick that my bile rises if I even go near the fridge, so Anthony has taken over almost all kitchen duties.  With my first two pregnancies, my nausea lasted well into the second trimester, so there will be no new recipes anytime soon. Sorry, folks! I'll be in touch when I am closer to having another adorable mouth to feed...


  1. A hearty congratulations to you!
    I really enjoy reading your blog and look forward to when the posting resumes. I hope you start feeling better in the interim!

  2. Congrats my dear, hopefully the nausea won't last to long.

  3. Congratulations!!! Hopefully you won't be sick quite as long with this pregnancy. Keep us posted on how you and your family are doing. :)

  4. After 2 really tortuous pregnancies including IV fluids more than once because of being sick, I finally found out that I probably had a magnesium deficiency (normally not looked at by traditional doctors). Pregnancy #2 I also definitely had type II diabetes (my normal non-preggo weight is 120) and vitamin B12 deficiency. I highly recommend try upping foods high in magnesium to battle the nausea. They are also linking low magnesium to type II diabetes which for me resolved after pregnancy. I wish someone had told me this when it could have done me some good. Blessings! Carolyne Thrasher
